Using explicit links to join documents together



I am creating a directory made up of information from over
120 different departments that needs to be updated
regularly. I am using explicit links to join them
When I insert the file as a link it inserts the whole
document but does not automatically update.

When I insert a field command and then link it through
this command it automatically updates but does not insert
the whole document only the first page.

How do I get it to insert the whole document and still
updated automatically?

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Barbara,

In my experience, Insert/File with a link should work and
update fairly automatically. However it does use a different
technology (DDE) than a LINK field (OLE). How often does this
information get changed? IOW, would it be enough if the
updates were made whenever you open/and or print the
I am creating a directory made up of information from over
120 different departments that needs to be updated
regularly. I am using explicit links to join them
When I insert the file as a link it inserts the whole
document but does not automatically update.

When I insert a field command and then link it through
this command it automatically updates but does not insert
the whole document only the first page.

How do I get it to insert the whole document and still
updated automatically?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Sep
30 2003)

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question or reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

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