Using Filters Or RecordSources


PC User

I have a continuous subform that has changing conditions of whether it
will be controled by a date range or not; also whether all its
checkboxes are selected or not. This amounts to a multitude of
possible combinations.

1. All checkboxes checked with no date range
2. All checkboxes checked with a date range
3. No checkboxes checked with no date range
4. No checkboxes checked with a date range.

The subform shows up like a list box with column headings and I also
have sort buttons on the column headings.

This requires the changing of conditions also.

1. Sort assending with no date range
2. Sort decending with no date range
3. Sort assending with a date range
4. Sort decending with a date range.

As you might guess the recordsource or filter can be constantly
changing with the users mouse click. I don't know which would be
easier (using filters or recordsources), because I can't get either to
work. Below are my two attempts. I use option toggle buttons to
indicate whether or not to filter (change recordsource) for the update

Using filters
Private Sub btnSelectAll_Click()
Dim db As Database
Dim strSQL As String
Dim Frm As Form
Dim sfN As Form 'Program Notification SubForm
Set Frm = Forms!frmMainEntry.Form
Set sfN = Frm.[fctlNotifications].Form
strSQL = "qupdNotificationSelectionYes"
If NotificationFilter = 1 Then
sfN.Filter = ""
sfN.FilterOn = False
sfN.Filter = "tblMainData.DueDate = #" & "Between
[Forms]![frmMainEntry]![BeginningDate] And
[Forms]![frmMainEntry]![EndingDate] & #"
sfN.FilterOn = True
End If
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError
End Sub

Using recordsources
Private Sub btnSelectAll_Click() 'Select all checkboxes meeting
Dim db As Database
Dim strSQL As String
Dim Frm As Form
Dim sfN As Form 'Program Notification SubForm
Set Frm = Forms!frmMainEntry.Form
Set sfN = Frm.[fctlNotifications].Form
If NotificationFilter = 1 Then
strSQL = "qupdNotificationSelectionYes "
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError
Call CheckNotificationDates
strSQL = "qupdNotificationSelectionYesDates "
sfN.CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError
End If
End Sub
I hope someone can help me with this. In the filter, I get an error
with the criteria. In the recordsource, I get an error in the
execution of the currentdb. This is a very busy subform.


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