Using FindWindow() API to find MSProject and using GetObject



Is it possible to find the handle to an existing MS Project application

I have used the FindWindow() API as follows:-

hWnd = FindWindow("JWinproj-WhimperMainClass", 0)

I used an EXCEL example (using XLMAIN) and this works okay however the
'JWinproj-WhimperMainClass' call does not (i.e. I found this documented for
Project 98 and 2000).

I have also been using GetObject(Class:="MSProject.Project") when MS Project
is already running however this does not work either? (error 429 -
automation error)

My requirement is to determine if MS Project is running and to GET the
existing handle or CREATE a new handle.

Anyone with any ideas or who has done this?


Rod Gill


In VBA (EG Excel VBA) I always use the following with great success

Dim ProjApp as MSProject.Application

on error resume next
Set ProjApp=GetObject(,"MSProject.Application")
if ProjApp is nothing then
set ProjApp=New MSProject.Application
End if

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For any version of Project use public.project
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Rod Gill
Project MVP
For Microsoft Project companion projects, best practices and Project VBA
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