Using floppy disks



Hi all

A colleague of mine has a floppy disk which she has used on numerous
occasions and has saved several documents onto it, no problem.

However, she has tried to open one of her documents today and she gets an
error message saying that the disk is not formatted, would she like to format
it now? She has also had another error message saying that the disk is
formatted for a Mac, but it isn't.

I realise that these disks are not the most reliable form of storage and
have advised her not to use them in future, however, is there any way she can
retrieve the data currently on the disk? There's an awful lot of work on

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.



Able to copy, from the Dos prompt to hd?
Other than that I've used third part tools, an old version of Norton
utilities I recollect, that featured a disk recovery tool. It was a manual
recovery option that required access to the disk at the 'sector level', it
took me some hours to recover a single word file.



I have had some trouble in the past with some of my student's disks in this
manner. I have tried this method of recovery.

Insert your disk in the drive
go to 'my computer'
highlight the A:/ drive (don't double click just highlight)
RMB and select properties
click on the 'Tools' tab
under there you can check and defrag the disk. I have done the defrag many
times and have recovered the files on the disk.

Hope this helps



Open the Command Prompt window and use copy commands,
eg copy A:\*.* to C:\Recovered
or use xcopy rather than copy

Type Help in command window for usage/commands


Best bet is to find a Win98 computer, copy off the files, and transfer by
other means (email attachments, burn to CD, copy to USB drive...)

XP and floppy disks is a crap shoot any more. Not worth the hassle and
potential loss of data.

"We've secretly switched the dilithium crystals with new Folger's
let's watch what happens."
Hi all

A colleague of mine has a floppy disk which she has used on numerous
occasions and has saved several documents onto it, no problem.

However, she has tried to open one of her documents today and she gets an
error message saying that the disk is not formatted, would she like to
it now? She has also had another error message saying that the disk is
formatted for a Mac, but it isn't.

I realise that these disks are not the most reliable form of storage and
have advised her not to use them in future, however, is there any way she
retrieve the data currently on the disk? There's an awful lot of work on

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.



THank you for your suggestion. Sorry it has taken so long to get back to
you, I have been out of the office.

The person who is having trouble with the disk has taken it away with her
and she won't be back for approximately a week. I will definitely try your
method though and let you know if it works.

Thanks again for your reply.

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