Using forms in a shared powerpoint



I have a feedback form in a Powerpoint which stores the inputted data in a
text file. It works perfectly and does what I want it to. EXCEPT I want to
use the same form with a group of users and whenever I try this an error
occurs. When they press Submit when someone else has it open a run-time error

Does anyone know if I can get around this or should just give up!
This is the kind of thing I am doing:


John Wilson

Maybe try using FreeFile instead od #1? Not sure that even then you can have
it open on more that one PC at a time though

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim myanswer As String
Dim Ifilenum As Integer
Ifilenum = FreeFile
'Open or create file for the user information
Open ActivePresentation.Path & "\info.txt" For Append As #Ifilenum
'send the name entered to the text file
myanswer = "Name: " & TextBox1.Text
Print #Ifilenum, myanswer
'send the email address entered to the text file
myanswer = "Email address: " & TextBox2.Text
Print #Ifilenum, myanswer
'add a blank line to the file
myanswer = ""
Print #Ifilenum, myanswer
Close #Ifilenum

'Tell the user that the information has been recorded
MsgBox "Your information has been recorded, thank you!"

'Clear the entries in the form
TextBox1.Text = ""
TextBox2.Text = ""

'Move to next slide

End Sub


Thanks for this. I think part of the problem was that they were trying to
save in a restricted location. ie. they had read-only access. So I am trying
to get it somewhere they can save and will test it again. If it still fails I
will try your solution. Thanks

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