using formula, how to convert number to date format?


Vishal Somani

I want to set default values for datepicker. In this I want to set default as
current date plus one day i.e., tomorrow. Please let me know, as to How can
I do that?

S.Y.M. Wong-A-Ton

If you are using InfoPath 2007, you can use the following formula:
addDays(today(), 1)

Vishal Somani

Hi Wong,

I am unfortunatly using Infopath 2003. So cant use the formula you have
mentioned. Anyways thanks for your reply.


Vishal Somani

Hi Kalyan,

Thanks for this but it is technical and I am not a techco. I cannot write
codes, can just use formulas. Anyways thanks for your response.


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