You need to read the web page to which I directed you.
The instructions for how to use Greg's method are included near the bottom
of his webpage
To use TableCellData, simply copy the macro and two functions to a module in
your VBA project. For help with this, see fellow MVP Graham Mayor's Guide
for Installing Macros.
To assign TableCellData to a keyboard shortcut see How to assign a Word
command or macro to a hot-key. To assign to a menu (including mouse right
button shortcut menu) or toolbar button, see How to assign a Word command or
macro to a toolbar or menu.
If you want to use the less capable Microsoft macro, click on the
Macros8.Dot link in the first paragraph of Greg's webpage and then on the
page that you are taken to, you will find a "following this link" link about
a quarter to a third the way down the page.
Both of these web pages contain instructions, or links to instructions that
tell you how to make use of whichever utility that you do download.
Hope this helps.
Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.
Doug Robbins - Word MVP