Your previous post just below this one in this formum, a
actually explains it a little better.
It's a timesheet problem folks! 4R = 4 hrs regular, 4S = 4 hrs Sick, 4OT =
4 hrs overtime, 8V = 8 hrs vacation etc. or so I presume.
fshewmkr, you really are better off using more rows instead of trying to put
everything into one cell. I'd rearrange the timecard so that you can record
the various types of hours in different Rows. Things become much easier then.
Consider a layout something like this, which is good for one employee, not
quite as good for multiple employees on the same sheet, but can be adapted to
work that way.
Column A B C D E F G H I J
row 1 name ID M T W Th F S S total
row 2 regular hours # # # # # # # ##
row 3 overtime # # # # # # # ##
row 4 vacation # # # # # # # ##
row 5 sick .... etc, etc
Row #? next name ID ...........
Having the possiblity of multiple types of times in a single cell makes it
one hell of a complicated mess to deal with.