Using Frontpage to maintain website created by other program


R. V. Russo

I am considering buying Frontpage 2003, but I want to make sure it
will do want I need it do before spending the money. My only
experience with Frontpage has been a short class I took about a year
ago, most of which I have forgotten. I currently have a website
on-line that contains 100+ pages, with lots of text, links, and jpg
graphics - but nothing fancy. It is very plain vanilla with no
animation, bells or whistles. I used an old version of some Corel
Website product to create it.

What I would like to do is to bring all of the files into Frontpage,
make some cosmetic changes to the existing pages, and then use
Frontpage to manage the site from that point forward - create and
upload new pages, edit old pages, etc. I have all of the files on my
hard drive in addition to on-line. I am not a technical person, but I
do have basic computer skills and I can usually follow instructions if
they are clearly written. Is this something that I can do with
Frontpage (without an advanced degree in computer science)? Any
advise would be appreciated. Sorry if this question is too basic.

Regards, Roberta

Thomas A. Rowe

You should have not problems, however to get the most benefit for using FP,
the host needs to support the FP extensions for your account.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Andrew Murray

R. V. Russo said:
I am considering buying Frontpage 2003, but I want to make sure it
will do want I need it do before spending the money. My only
experience with Frontpage has been a short class I took about a year
ago, most of which I have forgotten. I currently have a website
on-line that contains 100+ pages, with lots of text, links, and jpg
graphics - but nothing fancy. It is very plain vanilla with no
animation, bells or whistles. I used an old version of some Corel
Website product to create it.

What I would like to do is to bring all of the files into Frontpage,
make some cosmetic changes to the existing pages, and then use
Frontpage to manage the site from that point forward - create and
upload new pages, edit old pages, etc. I have all of the files on my
hard drive in addition to on-line. I am not a technical person, but I
do have basic computer skills and I can usually follow instructions if
they are clearly written. Is this something that I can do with
Frontpage (without an advanced degree in computer science)? Any
advise would be appreciated. Sorry if this question is too basic.

Regards, Roberta

are you using Windows XP - FP 2003 only works in XP.

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