Using FTEs in Data Analysis View


Margarita Hiett

I would like to be able to display resource requirement in terms of
FTEs, instead of percentage, in the Data Analysis view. For example, a
certain task requires 5 people. I can represent it using a generic
resource with a utilization of 500%. In the analysis view for this
task, I would like to see 5 on the y-axis, as a resource requirement.
Is there a way for me to do that?

Thanks in advance for the help.

Jonathan Sofer [MVP]

You can create calculated fields using MDX. You can do this directly in
your view definition or at the enterprise level under the Cube definitions
in PWA>Server Settings>Cube>Configuration>Calculated Measures so that this
calculated field would be available for any view you create against the cube
in question.

As for the syntax, it depends on how you want to do it. Try maybe dividing
your 500% utilization by 100 to get your 5 value to show up. Then use the
calculated field to chart your graph.

Hope this helps.


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