Using function to get previous month


Susan L

This seems my week for questions about date functions. (One yesterday,
another today. I need to "get smart" about date functions.)

I have a monthly report completed 5 days after the end of the prvious month.

In it, I have a calculation based on a control that contains the number of
the previous month.

Up until now (January), this expression for the Control Source has worked:
Month(Now())-1. But, of course, "1" for January results in "0", so my scheme
falls apart.

Can someone tell me what date function to use and the syntax for obtaining
the previous month's value that will produce the correct value even in

Jeff Boyce


One trick you can use to get the previous month (or the last day of a month,
or ...) is to check out the DateSerial() function.

To get a date (let's say the 1st) of the previous month, you could use
something like:

DateSerial(Year(Date()), Month(Date())-1,1)

Check Access HELP on DateSerial() for syntax and examples.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Susan L

Thanks. I have used DateSerial for other purposes. This yields 12/01/2008.
What I need is just the month (12). Do I have to use a Format function to get

I have tried Month(Date)-1 and trimming DateSerial for just the month, with
a 0 for the day. But no luck.

John Spencer (MVP)

This expression will return the number value of the previous month.


John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2009
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County

Jeff Boyce


Month(DateSerial(...)) would return 12 if you used today's date...


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

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