Using functions and subroutines in other modules


Robert Crandal

I have some functions and subroutines define in Module1.
How would I go about using/calling these functions
from Module 2???

(sorry if that is a newb question)

Simon Lloyd

Use the CALL function like this

Sub One(
Msgbox "This is One, Next is Two",vbokonly,"Sub One
Call Tw
End Su

Sub Two(
Msgbox "This is Two, Next is Three",vbokonly,"Sub Two
Call Thre
End Su

Sub Three(
Msgbox "This is Three, Next is Four",vbokonly,"Sub Three
Call Four
End Su

Sub Four(
Msgbox "This is Four, End of messages!",vbokonly,"Sub Four"
End Su
I have some functions and subroutines define in Module1
How would I go about using/calling these function
from Module 2??

(sorry if that is a newb question

Simon Lloy

Simon Lloy
'Microsoft Office Help' (


In Module2 simply call the Functions and Procedures as you would in Module1
but its often best to qualify you calls...


x = Module1.Function1(x)

etc, etc ...

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