Using functions to correlate data

  • Thread starter Benjamin Searle
  • Start date

Benjamin Searle

Hi there.

I want to use a function to reduce the workload in a spreadsheet by having
it automatically correlate data for me.

The layout is this.

The first coumn has dates.
The second column has the particular events happening on those dates.

I then have a second spreadsheet. What I want is to be able to enter any
particular date on that spreadsheet, and have the formula automatically enter
the event into a blank box.

I'd then also like to have it look up all of the people in attendance on
that date, and enter them into a set of rows beneath the date and event.

I realize this all sounds a little complicated, but I'm trying to set up
three months' worth of event programming, and it would simplify everything no



Where are all the people in attendance? Sheet1:

1/1/2009 Kickoff
1/2/2009 Farewell for JT
1/5/2009 Seminar

And where do you want the people so show up on the sheet where you enter the
date? Sheet2:

1/2/2009 Farewell for JT

Bernard Liengme

Check Help to learn about VLOOKUP then come back if you have problem using
Something like: =VLOOKUP(G5,Sheet2!A1:B6,2,FALSE)
G5 has the date to be found, the table is on Sheet2 in A1:B6

best wishes

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