Using Groove overseas



Aside from the content laws that restrict distribution of the Groove
software to certain countries, are there any concerns about using Groove in
the UK?

If I wanted my client in the UK to access my Groove workspaces, are there
any concerns with making my licensed copy of the software available for him
to download and use in the UK?


Mark Smith

Hi Papasweets -

Groove works just fine here in the UK, from the Isle of Skye where I live,
down to Brighton where my nearest full-time co-worker lives :)

Your second bit about "my licensed copy" sounds a little strange. Your
client will need his own licensed copy, surely? We've found it is often
cheaper and quicker to just buy it for folks not already on Groove who we
need to work with.

That said, I'm unsure what you can actually buy right now - the Office 2007
betas are no longer available, but the software hasn't been released.



Thanks for the feedback

Being new to Groove, I misunderstood the licensing/activation aspect of it.
So disregard the licensed copy portion of my post. Looks like the only
version being offered is version 3.1 as a 60 day trial.

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