Using Hide, Unhide, and auto filter - select all on a protected sh



I have a shared work sheet that has many columns and have found that when I
proctect the sheet so that certain cells can not be changed I lose the
ablitiy to hide/unhide and and select all under auto filter. Any suggestions?


If by shared workbook you mean TOOLS>SHARE WORKBOOK the following
restrictions are in place for a shared workbook:

You won't be able to add or change the following: merged cells,
conditional formats, data validation, charts, pictures, objects
including drawing objects, hyperlinks, scenarios, outlines, subtotals,
data tables, PivotTable reports, workbook and worksheet protection, and

If you also Protect a worksheet TOOLS>PROTECTION additional
restrictions to changes on the worksheet are present. For additional
insight into worksheet and workbook protection type: "About worksheet
and workbook protection" into Help.


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