Karl Magdono
I created a simple test document in Word XP with a hyperlink embedded in a
MacroButton field, using the technique described in the MVP FAQ at
http://www.mvps.org/word/FAQs/TblsFldsFms/HLinksInForms.htm . Also in the
document are some check boxes from the Forms toolbar. After protecting the
document, the check boxes and embedded hyperlink work fine on my machine.
I want others to be able to use my document as-is, so I saved the
FollowLink() macro inside of the document. I want Macintosh users to be
able to access the document, so I sent it to a friend with a Mac who uses
Office v. X (I think he said it was SR 1). Anyway, he said that when he
double clicks on the word macro, Word crashes! Has anyone else run into
this problem? Of course, an app should never crash, so it seems like a
bug, but can you please help me identify a workaround to avoid this
MacroButton field, using the technique described in the MVP FAQ at
http://www.mvps.org/word/FAQs/TblsFldsFms/HLinksInForms.htm . Also in the
document are some check boxes from the Forms toolbar. After protecting the
document, the check boxes and embedded hyperlink work fine on my machine.
I want others to be able to use my document as-is, so I saved the
FollowLink() macro inside of the document. I want Macintosh users to be
able to access the document, so I sent it to a friend with a Mac who uses
Office v. X (I think he said it was SR 1). Anyway, he said that when he
double clicks on the word macro, Word crashes! Has anyone else run into
this problem? Of course, an app should never crash, so it seems like a
bug, but can you please help me identify a workaround to avoid this