Using If Function with a Data Validation List



I have a data validation drop down list and I was wondering if I could
create a If Function that can create more than just a simple true false

For example if I select "Sold Wholesale" in the status list I created it
will input the defined wholesale price, but If I select "Sold Retail" It will
enter the defined retail price, yet again If I select "Available" it will
enter "N/A"

Thank you.

T. Valko

Here's my best guess...

A1 = drop down list

=IF(A1="Sold Wholesale",100,IF(A1="Sold

Replace 100 and 150 with their actual values or store those values in cells
and reference those cells.

If you have more than a "few" selections then you will want to create a
lookup table then use a lookup formula.

See this:

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