Using If statement in mailmerge document




I'm new to Mailmerge. I've tried using an if. I don't know how to do
it correctly but I've tried to follow examples such as this that I got
off the newsgroups:

{IF{MERGEFIELD PRICE} > 50 "replace this" "less than 50"}

I've put this in a field with codes toggeled on and off and also I
tried putting it in a formula. Nothing seems to work; I get all kinds
of errors or I get the name of the field. This is an example of my not
knowing the right place to put something.

I'd appreciate any help.




Thanks for answering. I'm not sure where the code goes in the gui
where you edit a field (codes visible or not). And I didn't use ctrl+

I guess one of the problems with not knowing about something is that
you have a hard time framing a questions :). What I'm trying to do is
create a field in a merge document. I insert a merge field from my
database. Then I edit that field. At first there's a field name field
for me to specify a field. Out of desperation I tried putting the code
with the curly brackets there but it doesn't work.

So I toggled field codes and put it in the resulting field codes
field. That didn't work either. Just to check I added the merge field
unchanged and ran the merge, just too see if it was reading the field
correclty. It was.

So, where do I put that code. And do I have to use control f9 to
enter the curly brackets?

Sorry to be such a newbie. Basically I'm a .net programmer and don't
deal with word as often as I should. It's often a lot faster to use
word to do certain things than to write a program.




Type: $51.00 select it, Insert>Bookmark and name it: Price

Using CTRL+F9 to enter the field code pairs, enter the following field.

{IF {Price} > 50"Bingo""Raise the price"}

Select the field and toggle the display (right click and use the menu)

Now all you have to do is replace the REF field { Price } with your
mergefield Price.

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