Using If Then and Else with dates in a mail merge



Hi Chris,

To compare two dates you need to express them in ISO format (i.e. YYYYMMdd).
For example:
{IF{MERGEFILED Date1 \@ yyyyMMdd}>{CalculatedDate \@ yyyyMMdd} "True
Result" "False Result"}

To do math with dates in Word, you can't simply subtract a number from a
date in a mailmerge. To see how you can go about this, or do date
comparisons and much more with dates, download the Word document at:
(url all one line)


Chris ferb

I have set up a mail merge with an access database. The merge works fine, but
I am trying to display different messages if a date is from 90 days previous.

I have been using the following logic from my date field in the "If then
else" option:

[date] > (date-90)

I have data in the date field that should make the code trigger the the else
but it does not. Thanks for your help.

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