Using IF to reference two cells



I have a spread sheet where every separate day values are added. What
I want to do is insert a message when a value is added but then remove
that message the next day when a value is added to that cell. I have
tried =IF(D14=0,"",Data!A30) which works just fine for the first day
but I can not come up with a way to remove the message when a value is
added to E14.

What I think I need.. spelled out is

If the value in D14 and in E14 equals zero do nothing (ie do not print
If there is a value in D14 and nothing in E14 print message in cell
If there is a value in D14 and in E14 do nothing (ie do not print
I think my problem is nesting the IF statements but every attempt
either gives the wrong result or an error message... Or perhaps I am
using the wrong function.

Any advice appreciated, Thank you for your time


Does this work for you:


It will print the message contained in Data!A30 if *either* D14 or E14 is

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