Using Inspector to add to Insert menu in Outlook - doesn't work if using Word as the editor


Scott M. Lyon

I'm working on a VB6 addin for Outlook (home-grown) that currently has an
additional menu item on the Insert menu when drafting a new e-mail.

In a nutshell, each time that the new option is selected, something (in this
case, a web link) is added to the e-mail body.

When I try it with Outlook set to use the default editor, it works

However, when I try it with Outlook set to use Word (both from Office
XP/2002), it allows me to add one link, but then it never hits the _Click
event for that option again (even with break points there, running in debug
mode - it will hit the first time, but never again).

Here's code (from various places in the application) for what I'm trying to

Public WithEvents myItems As Inspectors
Dim colCB As Office.CommandBars
Dim InsertMenu As CommandBarPopup
Dim RefPopUp As CommandBarPopup
Const DROPDOWN_MENU As Integer = 10
Dim WithEvents cbbLink As CommandBarButton

Private Sub IDTExtensibility2_OnStartupComplete(custom() As Variant)

Set myItems = objApplication.Inspectors

End Sub

Private Sub myItems_NewInspector(ByVal Inspector As Outlook.Inspector)

Set myItem = Inspector
If myItem.CurrentItem.Class = olMail Then
Set Item = myItem.CurrentItem
Exit Sub
End If

Set colCB = myItem.CommandBars

On Error Resume Next
Set InsertMenu = colCB.FindControl(id:="30005")

Set RefPopUp = InsertMenu.Controls.Item("Insert Ref...")

Set RefPopUp = InsertMenu.Controls.Add(DROPDOWN_MENU)
RefPopUp.Caption = "Siena Ref..."
RefPopUp.BeginGroup = True
RefPopUp.Tag = "Siena Ref"

Set cbbLink = RefPopUp.Controls.Add(MENU_BUTTON)
cbbLink.Caption = "Link"

cbbLink.OnAction = "!<Navigator.Connect>"

End Sub

Then there's a subroutine defined as: Private Sub cbbLink_Click(ByVal Ctrl
As Office.CommandBarButton, CancelDefault As Boolean) with all of the logic.
I've been putting a breakpoint on the first line of that _Click event, and
the first time I use the Insert Ref -> Link it hits the breakpoint and works
perfectly (using Word as the editor). Second time, it never hits the
break-point again when I select the Insert Ref -> Link

Any ideas?


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