Hello All- Seems like the Eval() function would help here somehow, but I can't seem to get it to work so I thought I'd explain it like this:
I would like to take these statements, and instead of
: If (Nz(x0Receipt) > 0) And (Len(x0Callback) = 0) Then
: MsgBox "Entry on Line 1 doesn't have an associated Receipt line."
: End If
: If (Nz(x1Receipt) > 0) And (Len(x1Callback) = 0) Then
: MsgBox "Entry on Line 2 doesn't have an associated Receipt line."
: End If
: .
: .
: .
: If (Nz(x9Receipt) > 0) And (Len(x9Callback) = 0) Then
: MsgBox "Entry on Line 10 doesn't have an associated Receipt line."
: End If
I would like something like:
for ZZ = 0 to 9
if (nz(xZZReceipt) > 0) and (Len(xZZCallback) = 0) then
msgbox "The " & dhOrd(ZZ+1) & " Line doen't have an associated Receipt Line"
end if
next ZZ
I would like to take these statements, and instead of
: If (Nz(x0Receipt) > 0) And (Len(x0Callback) = 0) Then
: MsgBox "Entry on Line 1 doesn't have an associated Receipt line."
: End If
: If (Nz(x1Receipt) > 0) And (Len(x1Callback) = 0) Then
: MsgBox "Entry on Line 2 doesn't have an associated Receipt line."
: End If
: .
: .
: .
: If (Nz(x9Receipt) > 0) And (Len(x9Callback) = 0) Then
: MsgBox "Entry on Line 10 doesn't have an associated Receipt line."
: End If
I would like something like:
for ZZ = 0 to 9
if (nz(xZZReceipt) > 0) and (Len(xZZCallback) = 0) then
msgbox "The " & dhOrd(ZZ+1) & " Line doen't have an associated Receipt Line"
end if
next ZZ