Using ISERROR to Solve #DIV/0 in a formula


Leigh Douglass


Apologies if i am repeating someone elses question, but can someone help me
enter the ISERROR function into this formula to get rid of the #DIV/0 message?


Basically cell C43 is a zero, so when the formula calculates the last
section I am getting the #DIV/0 error. Can I add the ISERROR function to
display a '0' instead or anything else for that matter?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Duke Carey

You have a few alternatives:

=IF(G43+C43=0,0,if(iserror(G43/C43),"some message",G43/c43)

=IF(G43+C43=0,0,if(C43=0,"some message",G43/c43)



Try this:



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Apologies if i am repeating someone elses question, but can someone help me
enter the ISERROR function into this formula to get rid of the #DIV/0


Basically cell C43 is a zero, so when the formula calculates the last
section I am getting the #DIV/0 error. Can I add the ISERROR function to
display a '0' instead or anything else for that matter?

Thanks in advance for your help.

David Biddulph

If you want to use ISERROR you can use
but that may get confused with other sorts of error.
If you are merely trying to cope with the divide by zero, then perhaps
better to use
=IF(G43+C43=0,0,IF(C43=0,"divide error",G43/C43))


Excel 2003: =IF(G43+C43=0,0,IF(C43=0,0,G43/C43))
Excel 2007: =IFERROR(IF(G43+C43=0,0,(G43/C43)),0)


The "G43+C43" test is totally redundant. If C43 is zero, then G43 must be
zero and vice versa.

Leigh Douglass


You are a life saver. Thanks very much.

Duke Carey said:
You have a few alternatives:

=IF(G43+C43=0,0,if(iserror(G43/C43),"some message",G43/c43)

=IF(G43+C43=0,0,if(C43=0,"some message",G43/c43)



Yeah, but the fellow wants a zero even when C43 is not zero; in cased where
C43 and G43 cancel each other by opposite signs.

Harlan Grove

bj said:

The OP was confused when giving C43+G43=0 in the origin example formula.
That formula didn't come close to matching the prose specs. There's no need
to check C43+G43=0 unless the OP doesn't want instances of C43 <> 0 and C43
= -G43 to result in 0 rather than -1. Off the top of my head, I can't think
of any reason why the OP would want 0 as result instead of -1 but would want
other negative ratios when C43 is nonzero and has the opposite sign of G43.

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