Hi Julie,
The Quick Access Toolbar allows 3 levels of customization
- Always there: stored in Word.QAT
- There when based on a template or template active
- Only there in a given document.
To use the 2nd choice (as an approach to multiple clients) you can open the template and then use
Office Button=>Word Options=>Customize
and choose the template rather than 'all Word documents' as a place to store the customizations.
You can use Alt, T, I to attach a template to have those QAT items appear, and you can assign keyboard shortcuts to items on any of
the 3 QAT levels, including having macros you have there. Many of the prior Word version shortcuts still work as well.
You can also modify the Ribbon if you want but that's a bit more of a learning curve, or doing it through tools such as
http://ribboncustomizer.com or adding a floating taskpane to hold items such as
Thanks for the info. Unfortunately since you cannot create custom menus of
macros on the main ribbon, I had to use my old normal.dot template to get all
of my custom menus into Word 2007. These were then located in the "Add-Ins"
tab. I have a separate menu of macros for each client, so now I have an extra
level of keystrokes to first get to the add-ins menu and then activate the
menu on that tab and then select the macro shortcut.
I have to use the keyboard in my work. I cannot be stopping every few
seconds to pick up the mouse to do things. So this is a very cumbersome way
to access my macros. I do not find Word 2007 very friendly to those who
choose to use the keyboard shortcuts for everything.
singeredel (Julie) <<
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office System Products MVP
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