Peter Foldes wrote...
It *IS* possible to install *ONLY* Photo Editor from the Custom
Oh and now you say slightly amended original advice. Not slightly
but a complete about face Well try and install Photo Draw from
your Office 97 when there is no reference to any Office suite
on your system
That's what I did. I installed it *ALONE* on a laptop that had
*NEVER* had *ANY* version of Office installed on it before. This
particular laptop hadn't even had Works installed on it.
Also, Photo Editor wasn't checked off for installation by default
when I ran the Custom install option, so it seems it could only
have been installed by using the Custom install option, which
*DOES* allow anyone to deselect *ALL* the major apps and install
*ONLY* Photo Editor.
And you said to remove Office 2003 and then install only the Photo
editor from Office 97. And without installing anything else. . . .
It is what you said did you not? . . .
Uninstall Office 2003 first. Then install only Photo Editor from
Office 97, which requires using the Custom install option.
. . . Well then try and remove Office 2003 and then when no Office
on your system take your Office 97 and install only Photo Editor
from there. . . .
Granted this isn't what I did. The laptop on which I installed Photo
Editor from the Office 97 CD had never had *ANY* version of Office
installed, So, no, I didn't uninstall Office 2003 first. If
uninstalling Office 2003 doesn't actually remove all the Office 2003
dross & cruft, then, perhaps, that could cause Office 97 trouble, but
it's unlikely since older versions of softwate generally don't know
anything about newer versions.
. . . Does it work without installing anything else? . . .
Yes it does! This is why you're full of it. *YOU* haven't tested
anything. *YOU* are relying on assumptions without any basis in fact
or experience. And this is why you pathetic attempts at covering your
backside will continue to fail spectacularly.
In short words, you don't have a clue about any of this.
Verify it for yourself. Stop relying on your inadequate knowledge.
. . . Read your post again. . . .
You need to reread the KB article to which I posted a link earlier
more than I need to reread anything I've posted.
. . . It is possible to install Photo Draw from of 97 but you
need not remove Office 2003 . . .
Perhaps not, but it's wise to do so. More specifically for Office 2003,
which contains the exact wording, "If you want to install and use
more than one version of Office on the same computer, you must
install the earliest version first."
The word "must" implies that doing so would be more than just a nice
idea. It's possible when installing only Photo Editor from the Office
97 CD that the only files that would be installed would be specific
and limited to Photo Editor alone. However, I saw a few files shunted
into C:\winnt\System32 during the install, and I have little doubt the
install added entries to the Registry. Therefore, if one were foolish
enough to follow the advice you're implying, one could be overwriting
Registry entries originally pointing to newer shared DLLs with entries
pointing to older DLLs. Not all shared DLLs have the exact same
filename in all versions, so this *IS* a potential problem.
How to protect against such potential problems?
1. Uninstall Office 2003.
2. Install Photo Editor from Office 97 (using Custom installation).
3. Reinstall Office 2003.
When done, the oldest version would have been installed first and the
newer version (re)installed after it.
So I say to you Guess what? You're full of it and stick to what
you said not try to amend it..
The *ONLY* change I made was saying that the Office 97 installation
step requires using the Custom install option. Since Photo Editor
appears not be be marked for installation by default, that'd be
*NECESSARY* in order to install it.
From my original response:
"it's safer to uninstall Office 2003, reinstall Office 97 (none of
the major apps, just Photo Editor), then reinstall Office 2003."
From my most recent previous response:
"1. uninstall Office 2003,
2. install only Photo Editor from Office 97 (which requires using
the Custom installation option), and
3. reinstall Office 2003."
Gosh! I used the word "reinstall" for Office 97 in the former response
but the word "install" in the latter one. Could your wee, tiny brain
have construed that to mean a complete about face?! Sadly, probably.
Or perhaps your comprehension of English is so poor that you really
can't understand that the only material difference between the two is
the addition of the bit about using Custom installation in the latter,
but that even that addition doesn't change my underlying point, it
merely adds details.
To repeat a previous theme, your pathetic attempts at covering your
backside are only reducing *YOUR* credibility. But keep on making
them. You're doing a much better job destroying your own credibility
that I am.