Using module function as default value of field...



Is there a way to use the function of a module I create as the default
value of a field in a table?

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Ben Moore


You can use event properties to set default values when inserting o
updating ( ie afterinsert event or before insert event) from VB. Bu
why not set the fields default value from the design table worksheet



I was attempting to set the field's default value from the design table
worksheet, but could not figure out how to use the module function in
the default value field. Neither the module nor its function appear in
the list, and when I put "=parseMax()" into the default value field, I
simply got an error message when attempting to save the table. I was
wondering if there were a specific syntax when trying to use funcions I
create in modules in the table design view. Thank you for the response,
any other suggestions?

Ben Moore

Duane Hookom

You can't set the default value for a field (in table design) to a
user-defined function. All data entry should be done within forms where
user-defined functions work well.

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