Using (month(date)+2) errors out because of end of year



I have a report where I use this syntax:
to show some totals projected two months forward, but since it turned
November the adding of 2 months to the current month errors out the
report. How can I handle this?


OP here.
I know I can use DateAdd to add 2 months to today's date, like this:
DateAdd("m", 2, date)
but I need something that will return the month's name, for example
Thanks for your help.


OP here again.
Figured it out. I used DateAdd to get the date in this format 1/1/2007,
then used the Month() function to extract the month name from the
results of the DateAdd.

Tom Lake

OP here again.
Figured it out. I used DateAdd to get the date in this format 1/1/2007,
then used the Month() function to extract the month name from the
results of the DateAdd.

Or just use a Format on your display fields to display the month only.

Tom Lake

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