Using more than one subtotal with same data set




I recently upgraded from Excel 2000, (work), and Excel 2002,(home), to Excel
2003. I used to be able to apply a subtotal within a subtotal, that is:

I have several suppliers that can supply the same product.

1. I have a spreadsheet of data. Column A Product number, B, Product
Description, C, Quantity, D, supplier Number, E, supplier name, F USD amount
for that product and supplier. Each product ID can be listed more than once
with different quantities, amounts and suppliers.
2. In the older versions I would sort ascending by Product number, then
Supplier number.
3. I would apply my first subtotal with each change in product number to sum
the product quantity and USD amount.
4. I would apply my second subtotal with each change in supplier name, to
sum product quantity and USD amount.
5. The older versions would have no problem applying subtotals to the
product IDs and then to the supplier names as a subgroup of each product ID.
I would then be able to see the total quantity and amount for each supplier
within the product ID, and also the total quantity and amount of each
individual product ID. (unchecking "remove current subtotals" and checking
"summarize below" ).

Now when I apply the same method in Excel 2003, it will give me the total
quantity and amount of each change in product id, but the second subtotal,
the quantity and amount of each supplier for that product will fall outside
the product ID range.

Is there something in the options that is on by default or is Excel treating
the application of more than one subtotal differently? If so, is ther a work

Thanks in advance

each each group of p


Thanks Dave;

Your'e right on target as usual. I made the registry changes as the
Microsoft article reccommended, (use Excel97Subtotals), and was able to
apply the subtotals correctly.

This is fine for my home machines but I may have difficulty convincing my IT
people at work to make the changes on my work machine.

Will Microsoft ever apply a revised fix for this?

Regards and thanks

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