using MS fingerprint reader with Excel




i have bought the MS USB fingerprint reader. works fine for login etc but i
would like to use it as an authentification tool inside a spreadsheet.
e.g we have items in repair going from one worker to another in the factory
and instread of having them sign each time i am rtying to have them sign
using the fingerprint reader.
so, when a worker signs with his finger, his name should appear in a defined
worksheet cell.
does anyone know how to do this ?

many thanks,


Stephen Knapp

The fingerprint reader should have been packaged with a CD or diskette
with the necessary software drivers. It should also have come with some sort
of user's manual that would describe (if it is well-written) how to access
the fingerprint data and/or the name of the file where the finger holder's
information is kept. Inside of Excel, you would either (a) have to access
DLL or API code to retrieve the finger owner's name or (b) have to open some
data file with the OPEN statement to manually retrieve this information.
I don't think that many of us have connected fingerprint readers
directly to Excel so you're going to be our experiment on this one.

Steve in Ohio

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