Using MS-Word for data entry on pre-printed forms


Suresh Menon

Its Tax time and I am filling out the IRS 1040`s and I downloaded the 1040
PDF. Now I am up to the task I almost hate. Manually filling in the forms.
Either I can write legibly (requires a lot of patience) or I can use my old
typewriter (Of course I can purchase the Tax Software, but assume I don`t
want to spend). Well this applies to filling out any forms - like applying
for a State/Fed job - I need to fill out the 7 to 9 page form after printing
the PDF.
What I was thinking is a way to get these PDF files as a background in
MS-Word and filling the forms by aligning my information (It may sound
tedious - but I can get used to that). Finally I can print just my answers on
the preprinted PDF without printing the background. It would look perfect if
the aligning is done right.
Is this possible?
Thanks for your time.

Charles Kenyon

If you have purchased a scanner recently, chances are it has software for
filling out forms.

Word is not designed for this. While you _can_ do it, you will be spending
an inordinate amount of time setting the form up.
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

See also the MVP FAQ: which is awesome!
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from my ignorance and your wisdom.

Daiya Mitchell

The IRS produces forms that you can type into with Adobe Reader, and print
out, I'm pretty sure (haven't tested lately, but I think they name them
"fillable"). You just can't stop in the middle and save, so I generally do
a draft version on paper, then type it in.

*Word not needed.* Scuse me, I just tested and can confirm. They are still
fillable forms, just click and type, and this time I got a message that the
IRS had used features that does allow people to save and re-continue (this
is in Adobe Reader 6.0.2 on a Mac).

This is about the one kind that makes me think kindly of the IRS. Gotta tell
you, it's been this way for years. My handwriting is also a hassle.

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