Using multiple DWTs on a page


Dan E

I'm developing a site based on pages attached to DWTs, and the DWT needs to
be somewhat different depending on where the page is in the navigation
hierarchy. So I've ended up with 7 different DWTs, all of which need
maintaining. I seem to remember that a page can have multiple DWTs
attached, which leads me to think that maybe I can make the DWTs modular,
attaching only the DWT modules needed by a given page. Maintenance should
be simpler, I would think. Anyone had experience of doing this - is it
workable; a good idea - all comments and suggestions gratefully recieved and




A page can only have one (1) DWT attached at a time.
Common elements within each DWT can be maintained using FrontPage include
files - change the included file, and all the DWTs, and pages they are
attached to, are updated at once.

Dan E

Ron - thanks for your reply. After sending this, I re-read the relevant
section from Jim Buyens' book - FP2003 Inside Out - and he says there (p.
323 in my paperback edition) that "One DWT can attach another another. In
this arrangement, changing the first template updates the one that attaches
it, and this in turn updates any pages that use the second template". Not
quite what I remembered, but I wonder how far this can be stretched? A
attaches B attaches C attaches D etc. - making in essence a modular DWT.
Have you ever tried this or anything like it?


Ronx said:
A page can only have one (1) DWT attached at a time.
Common elements within each DWT can be maintained using FrontPage include
files - change the included file, and all the DWTs, and pages they are
attached to, are updated at once.


I have never tried it.

I imagine that it might become difficult to unravel the different components
if you go to several "layers" :) Keeping copies of the original DWTs will
be a requirement.

Ron Symonds (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.

Dan E said:
Ron - thanks for your reply. After sending this, I re-read the relevant
section from Jim Buyens' book - FP2003 Inside Out - and he says there (p.
323 in my paperback edition) that "One DWT can attach another another. In
this arrangement, changing the first template updates the one that
attaches it, and this in turn updates any pages that use the second
template". Not quite what I remembered, but I wonder how far this can be
stretched? A attaches B attaches C attaches D etc. - making in essence a
modular DWT. Have you ever tried this or anything like it?




Using "Nested templates" can get VERY complex, very quickly. I avoid it at
(nearly) all costs.


Let's say I have a DWT that controls a page, and also use "includes" on that
page for the header, footer, etc. Now, can I control the header.htm and
footer.htm include files with their own DWTs, or will the page DWT control


Ronx said:
A page can only have one (1) DWT attached at a time.
Common elements within each DWT can be maintained using FrontPage include
files - change the included file, and all the DWTs, and pages they are
attached to, are updated at once.


Again, something I have never done (and do not see the need to).

My best guess is that the included files will be controlled by their own
DWTs, and will not be affected by the DWT they are included in (CSS and
JavaScript excepted). A DWT (and the pages it attaches to) has to accept
the included page as it is and cannot change it.

Ron Symonds (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.

Auerbach said:
Let's say I have a DWT that controls a page, and also use "includes" on
that page for the header, footer, etc. Now, can I control the header.htm
and footer.htm include files with their own DWTs, or will the page DWT
control everything?


Stefan B Rusynko

You could create copies of the same DWT and include "common" content from include pages, w/ "unique" content in each DWT copy
If you use includes on a page they are hard code to the page when it is saved (or the page - DWT - using it is saved)
So each DWT would be updated from the common includes, then you apply the updated DWTs to the appropriate pages

Auerbach said:
Let's say I have a DWT that controls a page, and also use "includes" on that page for the header, footer, etc. Now, can I control
the header.htm and footer.htm include files with their own DWTs, or will the page DWT control everything?


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