Using multple spreadsheets to create a mailmerge




I need to create a mail merge where data is spread out in multiple
spreadhsheets. I tried copying all required fields in one spreadsheet that I
could use but it does not work as each spreadsheet uses several formulas
which for some reason dont want to transfer to the new spreadsheet. Is there
a way I can create a merge using multiple spreadhsheets?

Peter Jamieson

A general approach to this is described in In theory, you can do this using
an approach along the lines of the one described in

However, it is very difficult to get this right, even when the data is in
separate sheets in the same workbook. Since you are already having
difficulty simply copying worksheet data into a single worksheet, I think it
is even less likely that this apporach will work for you.

Which means that you have little alternative but to try to copy the data
into a sigle place, then use that as the data source for the merge, or do
several merges, each based on a different data source.

If you have fewer than around 63/54 columns and are only doing this merge
once, you could try
a. copying each data source into a new table in a Word document
b. modifying each table so that it has the same set of columns
c. joining the tables together
d. using that as the data source

Otherwise, it /may/ help to
a. export each sheet to .csv format (which should remove any Excel
b. re-import to a new Excel workbook
c. modify each sheet so that it has the same set of columns
d. copy the sheets into a single sheet
e. use that as the data source

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