using named ranges for formula abbreviations


Dave Breitenbach

I would like to use named ranegs, if possible, to replace the function
SUMPRODUCT with the abbreviated nam "SP." I created the named range SP and
called it sumproduct, but I have not been able to make it work.

this function
gives me as a result
but does niot give me the result of that formula.

any help would be greatly appreciated.


Bob Phillips

It ain't gonna happen. You could create a UDF called SP that invokes
SUMPRODUCT, but why would you bother.



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)


Although I seriously doubt the eventual utility of this approach, here
is a UDF that is a shorthand for SUMPRODUCT:

Function SP(args As String)
SP = Evaluate("SUMPRODUCT(" & args & ")")
End Function

It can be called by entering the arguments as a string e.g.


As you notice we have a single Text argument, which contains what
would otherwise be your argument list.

Kostis Vezerides

Dave Breitenbach

The intent was to avoid character limitations in a particular cell. But I'd
rather not use VB.

thanks anyway.


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