Using Access 2000
I have two tables that I want to compare one of the fiields and I want the
output to show me where the fields are different. I have a common field that
I can join the table on. This partially works for what I want to accomplish:
Diff: IIf([property].[owner] Not Like "*" & [horry county
property].[ownername] & "*","DIFF",Null)
I am creating a field call DIiff that will display if the fields in the two
tables are different. My problem is that it shows some as being different
when they are basically the same but just words are in different order. For
Property.owner = Pete Provencher
Horry county property.ownername = Provencher Pete
In this case I don't wnat this to be displayed as diff.
Is there a way to do this?
Thanks in advance
Pete Provencher
I have two tables that I want to compare one of the fiields and I want the
output to show me where the fields are different. I have a common field that
I can join the table on. This partially works for what I want to accomplish:
Diff: IIf([property].[owner] Not Like "*" & [horry county
property].[ownername] & "*","DIFF",Null)
I am creating a field call DIiff that will display if the fields in the two
tables are different. My problem is that it shows some as being different
when they are basically the same but just words are in different order. For
Property.owner = Pete Provencher
Horry county property.ownername = Provencher Pete
In this case I don't wnat this to be displayed as diff.
Is there a way to do this?
Thanks in advance
Pete Provencher