Using Office 2004 with Remote Home Directories

  • Thread starter Kristina Conceicao
  • Start date

Kristina Conceicao

Most of our users have remote home directories, running Mac OS 10.3.9.
The home directories are stored on file servers. We were using a
separate LDAP server for authentication. Office 2004 is installed
locally, in the users' Applications folder.

The LDAP server failed over the weekend. One of the fileservers is now
performing the LDAP server's functions. Since this happened, whenever
users try to open an Office file on their Desktop by double-clicking it,
the Office app unexpectedly quit. However, if the user navigates to any
of those files from the File menu, the file opens and the app doesn't quit.

Can anyone offer any advice on how to fix this problem? We did try
using Disk Utility to Repair Permissions, but that did not seem to help.

Priyanka Singhal [MSFT]

Try to re-associate the files with Offfice (right click, select Open With.,
pick the right Office app, and click the Always checkbox)
If that does not work Please let me know and I'll investigate more .
Also can you let me know ,what protocol does the server use (afp, smb, etc)?
and do you get a Microsoft error reporting dialog ....... if you do, please
copy the crash log and send it my way.

Kristina Conceicao

Thanks for replying, Priyanka! I was out of the office last week and
didn't see your response until today. I will try your suggestion and
look into answering your questions. I'll post back once I have more


Kristina Conceicao

Hi Priyanka,

I tried re-associating the files as you suggested, but it did not help.
I included the resulting crash log, below. Our Network Manager
tells me that the server is using afp protocol.

Thanks again for your help!


Microsoft Error Reporting log version: 1.0

Error Signature:
Date/Time: 2006-02-21 14:17:46 -0500
Application Name: Microsoft Word
Application Version:
Module Name: CoreFoundation
Module Version: unknown
Module Offset: 0x0000680c
Extra app info: Reg=English Loc=0x0409

Thread 0 crashed:

# 1 0x901c680c in _CFStringGetLength + 0x00000034 (CoreFoundation +
# 2 0x901c67e0 in _CFStringGetLength + 0x00000008 (CoreFoundation +
# 3 0x9181969c in __Z18AECreateStringDescPK10__CFStringP6AEDesc +
0x00000018 (OpenScripting + 0x0000969c)
# 4 0x91817a74 in __Z16CoerceAliasToObjPK6AEDescmlPS_ + 0x00000110
(OpenScripting + 0x00007a74)
# 5 0x923d3a7c in _InvokeAECoerceDescUPP + 0x00000014 (AE + 0x0000fa7c)
# 6 0x923f960c in __ZN19UserCoerceDescThunk10coerceDescEPK6AEDescmPS0_
+ 0x00000020 (AE + 0x0003560c)
# 7 0x923c5f10 in __Z15tryDescCoercionhPK6AEDescmPS_ + 0x00000050 (AE
+ 0x00001f10)
# 8 0x923d3b30 in __Z25_fixupDescCoercionHandlerPK6AEDescmlPS_ +
0x000000A0 (AE + 0x0000fb30)
# 9 0x923d3a7c in _InvokeAECoerceDescUPP + 0x00000014 (AE + 0x0000fa7c)
# 10 0x923f960c in __ZN19UserCoerceDescThunk10coerceDescEPK6AEDescmPS0_
+ 0x00000020 (AE + 0x0003560c)
# 11 0x923c5f10 in __Z15tryDescCoercionhPK6AEDescmPS_ + 0x00000050 (AE
+ 0x00001f10)
# 12 0x923c7c4c in __Z16tryDescCoercionsPK6AEDescmPS_ + 0x00000048 (AE
+ 0x00003c4c)
# 13 0x923c69c8 in __Z20aeCoerceDescInternalPK6AEDescmPS_h + 0x00000078
(AE + 0x000029c8)
# 14 0x923cba90 in _AECoerceDesc + 0x00000010 (AE + 0x00007a90)
# 15 0x923cf76c in __Z17coerceAndMakeDescPK6AEImplmP6AEDesc +
0x00000080 (AE + 0x0000b76c)
# 16 0x923cf66c in _AEGetNthDesc + 0x00000128 (AE + 0x0000b66c)
# 17 0x0061c438 in (MCPZ.stb + 0x000ab7c8)
# 18 0x006133d4 in (MCPZ.stb + 0x000a2764)
# 19 0x02a64b58 in (Microsoft Word + 0x00a450f8)
# 20 0x923d7394 in _InvokeAEEventHandlerUPP + 0x00000014 (AE + 0x00013394)
# 21 0x00591890 in (MCPZ.stb + 0x00020c20)
# 22 0x00591610 in (MCPZ.stb + 0x000209a0)
# 23 0x92881f9c in _DispatchEventToHandlers + 0x0000014C (HIToolbox +
# 24 0x92882210 in _SendEventToEventTargetInternal + 0x00000170
(HIToolbox + 0x00002210)
# 25 0x928946b8 in _SendEventToEventTarget + 0x00000024 (HIToolbox +
# 26 0x0059153c in (MCPZ.stb + 0x000208cc)
# 27 0x923c8a0c in __Z20aeDispatchAppleEventPK6AEDescPS_mPh +
0x000000CC (AE + 0x00004a0c)
# 28 0x923cb854 in __Z25dispatchEventAndSendReplyPK6AEDescPS_ +
0x00000028 (AE + 0x00007854)
# 29 0x923c8c4c in _aeProcessAppleEvent + 0x00000118 (AE + 0x00004c4c)
# 30 0x92974334 in _AEProcessAppleEvent + 0x00000038 (HIToolbox +
# 31 0x02042818 in (Microsoft Word + 0x00022db8)
# 32 0x0294f040 in (Microsoft Word + 0x0092f5e0)
# 33 0x00579064 in (MCPZ.stb + 0x000083f4)
# 34 0x00578f68 in (MCPZ.stb + 0x000082f8)
# 35 0x92881f9c in _DispatchEventToHandlers + 0x0000014C (HIToolbox +
# 36 0x92882210 in _SendEventToEventTargetInternal + 0x00000170
(HIToolbox + 0x00002210)
# 37 0x92886690 in _SendEventToEventTargetWithOptions + 0x00000024
(HIToolbox + 0x00006690)
# 38 0x92892d28 in
+ 0x000002B4 (HIToolbox + 0x00012d28)
# 39 0x92882058 in _DispatchEventToHandlers + 0x00000208 (HIToolbox +
# 40 0x92882210 in _SendEventToEventTargetInternal + 0x00000170
(HIToolbox + 0x00002210)
# 41 0x928946b8 in _SendEventToEventTarget + 0x00000024 (HIToolbox +
# 42 0x005934ec in (MCPZ.stb + 0x0002287c)
# 43 0x020f3908 in (Microsoft Word + 0x000d3ea8)
# 44 0x020205f8 in (Microsoft Word + 0x00000b98)
# 45 0x01023450 in (Microsoft_Office_2001Z + 0x0000cec0)
# 46 0x02020074 in (Microsoft Word + 0x00000614)
# 47 0x02b06b7c in (Microsoft Word + 0x00ae711c)

PPC Thread State:
srr0: 0x901c680c srr1: 0x0000d030 vrsave: 0x00000000
xer: 0x00000004 lr: 0x901c67e0 ctr: 0x901c67d8 mq:0x00000000
r0: 0xa01c05f4 r1: 0xbfffe3c0 r2: 0xa01c01f4 r3:0x00000000
r4: 0xbfffe4e0 r5: 0x00000000 r6: 0x00000001 r7:0x00000001
r8: 0xbfffd9f3 r9: 0x0000001c r10: 0x00000000 r11:0xa1810108
r12: 0x901c67d8 r13: 0x00000000 r14: 0x00000000 r15:0x00000000
r16: 0x00000000 r17: 0x00000000 r18: 0x00000000 r19:0x00000001
r20: 0x00000003 r21: 0x00000000 r22: 0x0e4a0120 r23:0x003222c0
r24: 0x00000001 r25: 0xbfffe860 r26: 0xbfffea68 r27:0xbfffe4d0
r28: 0xbfffe4e0 r29: 0x00000000 r30: 0x00000000 r31:0x901c67e0

Thread 1:

# 1 0x900127c8 in _clock_sleep_trap + 0x00000008 (libSystem.B.dylib +
# 2 0x9000d9b8 in _nanosleep + 0x00000078 (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x0000d9b8)
# 3 0x9002da08 in _sleep + 0x00000048 (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x0002da08)
# 4 0x0176f660 in _MerpUnregisterCFMFragment + 0x00000BAC (ShMem +
# 5 0x0176eb2c in _MerpUnregisterCFMFragment + 0x00000078 (ShMem +
# 6 0x0176ec58 in _MerpUnregisterCFMFragment + 0x000001A4 (ShMem +
# 7 0x0176f738 in _MerpUnregisterCFMFragment + 0x00000C84 (ShMem +
# 8 0x9002490c in __pthread_body + 0x00000024 (libSystem.B.dylib +

PPC Thread State:
srr0: 0x900127c8 srr1: 0x0000d030 vrsave: 0x00000000
xer: 0x00000004 lr: 0x9000d9b8 ctr: 0x900127c0 mq:0x00000000
r0: 0xffffffc2 r1: 0xf0080af0 r2: 0xf0080ac4 r3:0x00000507
r4: 0x00000001 r5: 0x00000001 r6: 0x00000000 r7:0xf0080b30
r8: 0x00000000 r9: 0x0007fb5c r10: 0x3315e909 r11:0xa000470c
r12: 0x900127c0 r13: 0x00000000 r14: 0x00000000 r15:0x00000000
r16: 0x00000000 r17: 0x00000000 r18: 0x00000000 r19:0x00000000
r20: 0x00000000 r21: 0x00000000 r22: 0x00000000 r23:0x00000000
r24: 0x00000000 r25: 0x00000042 r26: 0x00000108 r27:0x0177f530
r28: 0xf0080bb0 r29: 0xa00016e8 r30: 0xf0080ba0 r31:0x9000d950

Thread 2:

# 1 0x90018e18 in _semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap + 0x00000008
(libSystem.B.dylib + 0x00018e18)
# 2 0x9000e9d4 in __pthread_cond_wait + 0x00000268 (libSystem.B.dylib
+ 0x0000e9d4)
# 3 0x902da56c in _TSWaitOnSemaphoreCommon + 0x000000AC (CarbonCore +
# 4 0x902ee4ec in _TimerThread + 0x00000038 (CarbonCore + 0x0003e4ec)
# 5 0x9002490c in __pthread_body + 0x00000024 (libSystem.B.dylib +

PPC Thread State:
srr0: 0x90018e18 srr1: 0x0000f030 vrsave: 0x00000000
xer: 0x00000000 lr: 0x9000e9d4 ctr: 0x90018e10 mq:0x00000000
r0: 0xffffffd9 r1: 0xf0101d40 r2: 0x066bc620 r3:0x0000480b
r4: 0x00004a03 r5: 0x00000008 r6: 0x13d8fa78 r7:0x7e3d7547
r8: 0x902b1c50 r9: 0x00000002 r10: 0xa000b510 r11:0xa0004bf4
r12: 0x90018e10 r13: 0x00000000 r14: 0x00000000 r15:0x00000000
r16: 0x00000000 r17: 0x00000000 r18: 0x00000000 r19:0x00000000
r20: 0x00000000 r21: 0x00000000 r22: 0x00000000 r23:0x00000000
r24: 0x00000000 r25: 0x00000001 r26: 0x9fffe794 r27:0xa02b0ba4
r28: 0xa02b0bd8 r29: 0xa00016b4 r30: 0xa00016b4 r31:0x9000e794

Thread 3:

# 1 0x90007878 in _mach_msg_trap + 0x00000008 (libSystem.B.dylib +
# 2 0x900073f8 in _mach_msg + 0x00000038 (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x000073f8)
# 3 0x901c16dc in ___CFRunLoopRun + 0x0000034C (CoreFoundation +
# 4 0x901c5e68 in _CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 0x00000144 (CoreFoundation +
# 5 0x911104b4 in __ZN10HALRunLoop9OwnThreadEPv + 0x00000100
(CoreAudio + 0x000034b4)
# 6 0x911102e8 in __ZN9CAPThread5EntryEPS_ + 0x0000002C (CoreAudio +
# 7 0x9002490c in __pthread_body + 0x00000024 (libSystem.B.dylib +

PPC Thread State:
srr0: 0x90007878 srr1: 0x0000d030 vrsave: 0x00000000
xer: 0x20000000 lr: 0x900073f8 ctr: 0x90007870 mq:0x00000000
r0: 0xffffffe1 r1: 0xf0284810 r2: 0x00007403 r3:0xf02848d0
r4: 0x03000006 r5: 0x00000000 r6: 0x00000450 r7:0x00007403
r8: 0x00000000 r9: 0x00000000 r10: 0x0000000b r11:0xa0004a78
r12: 0x90007870 r13: 0x00000000 r14: 0x00000000 r15:0x00000000
r16: 0x00000001 r17: 0x00000000 r18: 0xa01c13a8 r19:0x00000000
r20: 0x00007807 r21: 0x00000000 r22: 0x072101b8 r23:0x05c27b6f
r24: 0xf02848d0 r25: 0x00000450 r26: 0x00007403 r27:0x00000000
r28: 0x00000000 r29: 0x00000000 r30: 0x03000006 r31:0x901c13a8

Thread 4:

# 1 0x8fe26728 in _mach_msg_trap + 0x00000008 (dyld + 0x00026728)
# 2 0x8fe31f34 in _mach_msg + 0x00000038 (dyld + 0x00031f34)
# 3 0x8fe16224 in _server_loop + 0x00000088 (dyld + 0x00016224)
# 4 0x8fe16054 in _start_debug_thread + 0x00000144 (dyld + 0x00016054)

PPC Thread State:
srr0: 0x8fe26728 srr1: 0x0000d030 vrsave: 0x00000000
xer: 0x20000000 lr: 0x8fe31f34 ctr: 0x8fe1a688 mq:0x00000000
r0: 0xffffffe1 r1: 0x0a392cf0 r2: 0x00000000 r3:0x0a392d90
r4: 0x00000002 r5: 0x00000000 r6: 0x00000040 r7:0x00005a1f
r8: 0x00000000 r9: 0x00000000 r10: 0x00000000 r11:0x943106a8
r12: 0x8fe1a688 r13: 0x00000000 r14: 0x8fe53254 r15:0x8fe507a0
r16: 0x8fe507d0 r17: 0x8fe5079c r18: 0x8fe507a0 r19:0x0a392dd0
r20: 0x8fe507cc r21: 0x8fe5079c r22: 0x8fe507cc r23:0x8fe53254
r24: 0x0a392d90 r25: 0x00000040 r26: 0x00005a1f r27:0x00000000
r28: 0x00000000 r29: 0x00000000 r30: 0x00000002 r31:0x8fe161b0

Loaded modules:

0: Microsoft Word ( Reg=English Loc=0x0409):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Microsoft Word
1: MicrosoftLSLibZ ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Component Plugin
2: PowerPlantZ ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Component Plugin
3: MCP RuntimeZ.DLL ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Component Plugin
4: MCPZ.stb ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Component Plugin
5: MCPCoreZ ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Component Plugin
6: Microsoft_Office_2001Z ( Reg=English Loc=0x0409):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Office
7: Microsoft_DrawingUI_2001Z ( Reg=English Loc=0x0409):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Office
8: Microsoft_Drawing_2001Z ( Reg=English Loc=0x0409):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Office
9: BLIP_LibrariesZ ( Reg=English Loc=0x0409):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Office
10: ShMem ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/ShMem.bundle/Contents/MacOS/ShMem
11: Microsoft Word ( Reg=English Loc=0x0409):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Microsoft Word
12: AOAHALPlugin (2.5.0 Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
13: afp (1.1.2 Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
14: Microsoft OLE X ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft OLE
15: English Thesaurus ( Reg=(null) Loc=0x0000):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Shared Applications/Proofing
Tools/English Thesaurus
16: SoundManagerComponents (3.9.1 Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
17: iSightAudio (7.0 Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
18: WordPDE ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
/Applications/Microsoft Office
19: hpImageQuality (1.5 bld 14 Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
20: hpImaging:
21: hpFinishing (1.5.1 bld 16 Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
22: hpProofAndPrint (1.4 bld 11 Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
23: hpEdgeToEdge (1.5 bld 13 Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
24: hpColorOptions (1.5 bld 23 Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
25: Converter (3.0 Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
26: English Spelling ( Reg=(null) Loc=0x0000):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Shared Applications/Proofing
Tools/English Spelling
27: Microsoft Framework DB ( Reg=English Loc=0x0409):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Framework
28: VBE ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000): /Applications/Microsoft
Office 2004/Office/Visual Basic for Applications
29: libCFilter.A.dylib:
30: libxml2.2.dylib: /usr/lib/libxml2.2.dylib
31: libz.1.1.3.dylib: /usr/lib/libz.1.1.3.dylib
32: AppleShareClientCore:
33: vImage:
34: libPPDLib.dylib: /System/Library/Printers/Libraries/libPPDLib.dylib
35: libLW8Utils.dylib: /System/Library/Printers/Libraries/libLW8Utils.dylib
36: libConverter.dylib:
37: AGL: /System/Library/Frameworks/AGL.framework/Versions/A/AGL
38: DVComponentGlue:
39: QuickTimeFireWireDV (7.0 Reg=en_US Loc=0x0000):
40: libLW8Converter.dylib:
41: vecLib:
42: Accelerate:
43: dyld: /usr/lib/dyld
44: libSystem.B.dylib: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
45: CoreFoundation:
46: CarbonCore:
47: IOKit: /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/IOKit
48: OSServices:
49: CoreServices:
50: libbsm.dylib: /usr/lib/libbsm.dylib
51: AppleTalk:
52: DiskArbitration:
53: ApplicationServices:
54: libobjc.A.dylib: /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
55: HIServices:
56: DesktopServicesPriv:
57: libGL.dylib:
58: Foundation:
59: libCGATS.A.dylib:
60: libGLU.dylib:
61: SystemConfiguration:
62: Carbon: /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Carbon
63: OpenGL: /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/OpenGL
64: Bom: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Bom.framework/Versions/A/Bom
65: CoreAudio:
66: URLMount: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/URLMount.framework/URLMount
67: LangAnalysis:
68: HTMLRendering:
69: ColorSync:
70: QD:
71: PrintCore:
72: SpeechRecognition:
73: OpenScripting:
74: ImageCapture:
75: Help:
76: CommonPanels:
77: Print:
78: libCSync.A.dylib:
79: SecurityHI:
80: NavigationServices:
81: libPDFRIP.A.dylib:
82: libPSRIP.A.dylib:
83: libRIP.A.dylib:
84: FindByContent:
85: Security:
86: AE:
87: LaunchServices:
88: libssl.0.9.7.dylib: /usr/lib/libssl.0.9.7.dylib
89: CFNetwork:
90: HIToolbox:
91: libcups.2.dylib: /usr/lib/libcups.2.dylib
92: libmathCommon.A.dylib: /usr/lib/system/libmathCommon.A.dylib
93: AudioToolbox:
94: Kerberos:
95: libz.1.dylib: /usr/lib/libz.1.dylib
96: libresolv.9.dylib: /usr/lib/libresolv.9.dylib
97: SearchKit:
98: WebServicesCore:
99: Ink:
100: CoreGraphics:
101: libBLAS.dylib:
102: libLAPACK.dylib:
103: CarbonSound:
104: libvDSP.dylib:
105: libvMisc.dylib:
106: libicucore.A.dylib: /usr/lib/libicucore.A.dylib
107: libcrypto.0.9.7.dylib: /usr/lib/libcrypto.0.9.7.dylib
108: ATS:
109: libiconv.2.dylib: /usr/lib/libiconv.2.dylib
110: SpeechSynthesis:
111: vecLib: /System/Library/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A/vecLib
112: AudioUnit:
113: QuartzCore:
114: QuickTime:
115: QuickTimeComponents (7.0 Reg=en_US Loc=0x0000):
116: QuickTimeH264 (7.0 Reg=en_US Loc=0x0000):
117: QuickTimeMPEG4 (7.0 Reg=en_US Loc=0x0000):

Operating System Information
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.3.9 (Build 7W98)
CPU: G4 (7450), Number: 1, Speed: 1416 MHz
gestaltPhysicalRAMSize err = 0, result = 512 MB
gestaltSystemVersion err = 0, result = 0x1039
Screen: 1280 x 1024, depth = 32, ltbr = 0, 0, 1024, 1280

Microsoft Application Information:
Error Reporting UUID: 69E398BA-8693-11DA-983F-00145102EC5E
Time from launch: 4 hours, 39 minutes, 21 seconds
Total errors on this client: 28

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