David De Bono
I'm using VB 6 with the Word object:
Dim oWord As Word.Application
Dim oDoc As Word.Document
Dim oDic As Word.Dictionary
Dim oSuggestions As SpellingSuggestions
Set oWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set oDoc = oWord.Documents.Add
Set oDic = oWord.Languages(wdEnglishUS).ActiveSpellingDictionary
Set oSuggestions = oWord.GetSpellingSuggestions(Trim$(sWord), , ,
oDic contains the dictionary object. And it contains the correct dictionary
The line works fine when using the Norwegian spell checker.
When trying to use another spell language it does not fail, but returns
If I change the default office language (Microsoft Office 2003 Laguage
settings -> Default office behaviour language) to English it works with
English spell check.
So when using the spell checker in the same laguage as office behaviour it
Any ideas ?
I'm using VB 6 with the Word object:
Dim oWord As Word.Application
Dim oDoc As Word.Document
Dim oDic As Word.Dictionary
Dim oSuggestions As SpellingSuggestions
Set oWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set oDoc = oWord.Documents.Add
Set oDic = oWord.Languages(wdEnglishUS).ActiveSpellingDictionary
Set oSuggestions = oWord.GetSpellingSuggestions(Trim$(sWord), , ,
oDic contains the dictionary object. And it contains the correct dictionary
The line works fine when using the Norwegian spell checker.
When trying to use another spell language it does not fail, but returns
If I change the default office language (Microsoft Office 2003 Laguage
settings -> Default office behaviour language) to English it works with
English spell check.
So when using the spell checker in the same laguage as office behaviour it
Any ideas ?