Using one field on a form to limit values displayed in a combo box


Michael V

This has to be fairly easy, but I'm just not getting it. I am trying to
create a database for a friend to keep track of his high school basketball
assignments. My specific problem is as follows:

I have created a table called games. Columns in include the key, date, time,
level home team and visiting team. The level designates whether it is
Freshman, JV or Varsity. I have created acombo box for that and it works fine.

I'd like to display only those teams that are relavant to the level (e.g. if
it is a Freshman game, then the choices for the home team combo box should be
limited to Freshman teams).

I've tried creating a query that uses the "level" entry on the form as part
of the where clause, but I'm not doing something right . I either get a blank
result, or a list that seems to be casually related (perhaps from a prior
entry) or the primary key values from the team (rather than the team name).

Any suggestions?


In your WHERE clause put --
[YourTableName].[level home team] = [Forms].[YourFormName].[YourComboBoxName]

If this does not work then post your SQL for the query.

Michael V

Here is the SQL. I think it reflects your suggestion.

SELECT School.[School Name], [Playing Levels].[Playing Level Code],
Team.[Team ID], [Playing Levels].[Playing LevelID]
FROM [Playing Levels] INNER JOIN (Team INNER JOIN School ON Team.[School
ID]=School.SchoolID) ON [Playing Levels].[Playing LevelID]=Team.[Playing
WHERE ((([Playing Levels].[Playing LevelID])=Forms!Game![Playing Level ID]));

When I run the query, I get prompted for a Playing Level ID value and the
results are just what I expect.

The problem still seems to be that the query doesn't recognize the value I
selected from the actual combo box when I use the form. I thought recognition
of the current entry would be inherent, which is why I'm probably messing
something simple up.

Anyway, thanks for any suggestion you may have.


In your WHERE clause put --
[YourTableName].[level home team] = [Forms].[YourFormName].[YourComboBoxName]

If this does not work then post your SQL for the query.

Michael V said:
This has to be fairly easy, but I'm just not getting it. I am trying to
create a database for a friend to keep track of his high school basketball
assignments. My specific problem is as follows:

I have created a table called games. Columns in include the key, date, time,
level home team and visiting team. The level designates whether it is
Freshman, JV or Varsity. I have created acombo box for that and it works fine.

I'd like to display only those teams that are relavant to the level (e.g. if
it is a Freshman game, then the choices for the home team combo box should be
limited to Freshman teams).

I've tried creating a query that uses the "level" entry on the form as part
of the where clause, but I'm not doing something right . I either get a blank
result, or a list that seems to be casually related (perhaps from a prior
entry) or the primary key values from the team (rather than the team name).

Any suggestions?


Add this to the FROM part of the SQL --
[Forms]![Game]![Playing Level ID] AS [Form entry]

This way you will see what the query is getting for criteria.

Michael V said:
Here is the SQL. I think it reflects your suggestion.

SELECT School.[School Name], [Playing Levels].[Playing Level Code],
Team.[Team ID], [Playing Levels].[Playing LevelID]
FROM [Playing Levels] INNER JOIN (Team INNER JOIN School ON Team.[School
ID]=School.SchoolID) ON [Playing Levels].[Playing LevelID]=Team.[Playing
WHERE ((([Playing Levels].[Playing LevelID])=Forms!Game![Playing Level ID]));

When I run the query, I get prompted for a Playing Level ID value and the
results are just what I expect.

The problem still seems to be that the query doesn't recognize the value I
selected from the actual combo box when I use the form. I thought recognition
of the current entry would be inherent, which is why I'm probably messing
something simple up.

Anyway, thanks for any suggestion you may have.


In your WHERE clause put --
[YourTableName].[level home team] = [Forms].[YourFormName].[YourComboBoxName]

If this does not work then post your SQL for the query.

Michael V said:
This has to be fairly easy, but I'm just not getting it. I am trying to
create a database for a friend to keep track of his high school basketball
assignments. My specific problem is as follows:

I have created a table called games. Columns in include the key, date, time,
level home team and visiting team. The level designates whether it is
Freshman, JV or Varsity. I have created acombo box for that and it works fine.

I'd like to display only those teams that are relavant to the level (e.g. if
it is a Freshman game, then the choices for the home team combo box should be
limited to Freshman teams).

I've tried creating a query that uses the "level" entry on the form as part
of the where clause, but I'm not doing something right . I either get a blank
result, or a list that seems to be casually related (perhaps from a prior
entry) or the primary key values from the team (rather than the team name).

Any suggestions?

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