Using Operators with Field Codes


Brenda A. Reid

I have a precedent which has:

{ set granteemf { fillin "Is the Grantee Male or Female? [type m or f]}}
{ set granteesp { fillin "Is the Grantee Singular or Plural [type s or p]}}

I would like to have an If statement combining the two, i.e.

If granteemf = f AND granteesp = s . . .

Can I do that?


Peter Jamieson

The safest general-purpose way for multiple questions is

{ IF "{ granteemf \*Upper }" = "F" "{ IF "{ grannteesp \*Upper }" = "S"
"both F and S" "M or P" }" "M or P" }

But you could also consider something like

{ IF "{ granteemf \*Upper }&{ grannteesp \*Upper }" = "F&S" "both F and S"
"M or P" }

(You need something in the middle of the two results because

{ IF "{ granteemf \*Upper }{ grannteesp \*Upper }" = "FS" "both F and S" "M
or P" }

would result in "both F and S" if the user responded FS to either the M/F
question or the S/P question and left the other one blank)

Brenda A. Reid

This certainly did the trick. Am forever grateful . . . Thanks.

Peter Jamieson said:
The safest general-purpose way for multiple questions is

{ IF "{ granteemf \*Upper }" = "F" "{ IF "{ grannteesp \*Upper }" = "S"
"both F and S" "M or P" }" "M or P" }

But you could also consider something like

{ IF "{ granteemf \*Upper }&{ grannteesp \*Upper }" = "F&S" "both F and S"
"M or P" }

(You need something in the middle of the two results because

{ IF "{ granteemf \*Upper }{ grannteesp \*Upper }" = "FS" "both F and S"
"M or P" }

would result in "both F and S" if the user responded FS to either the M/F
question or the S/P question and left the other one blank)

Peter Jamieson

Brenda A. Reid said:
I have a precedent which has:

{ set granteemf { fillin "Is the Grantee Male or Female? [type m or f]}}
{ set granteesp { fillin "Is the Grantee Singular or Plural [type s or

I would like to have an If statement combining the two, i.e.

If granteemf = f AND granteesp = s . . .

Can I do that?


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