using Outlook 2000 with roaming profiles


Jason Stewart

I am using OL2000 on primarily WINXP boxes, using roaming profiles. The profile and account is created dynamically (volatile) on the machine (upon user network authentication), and then removed upon logout. The prob with OL is that about half of the time when users are opening OL they get the message '...\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook\outlook.pst could not be found'. I would like to default ALL *.pst files to a network location in order to preserve the data contained in it and also to facilitate users to log into any box on the network and get their mail and use their own personal OL settings.

I found a registry hack:
Value name: ForcePSTPath
Value data (SZ): <drive>:\<path>
that is supposed to force the pst path for OL2002. I tried this for OL2000, by changing the version # to 9.0 in the registry path, to no avail. Will this not work for OL2000?

Also, about half of the time also, the POP server settings and 'remember password' has been lost (even though it was checked), and has to be re-entered.

Is there a "good" way to configure OL2000 for use with roaming profiles to do these (seemingly) simple requests?

Thanks in advance for your responses.

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