Using Outlook 2003 after 2007 trial has expired



My trial version of Office Professional has expired. I am not ready to
convert at this time, so will be returning to my 2003 version. To use
Outlook 2007 I removed the 2003 version. I added it back in - or so I
thought (by Control Panel, Add-Remove Programs, MS 2003, Change, Install -
checked the blank Outlook checkbox) - Outlook appears, but will not open.
Rather I get this message "Cannot start MS Outlook. MAP132. DLL is corrupt
or the wrong version. This could be caused by installing other messaging
softmare. Please re-install Outlook." I tried that from Add-Remove
Programs, still no go. If I use the disk it seems to require reinstalling
everything. What am I missing? Is there anyway to install only Outlook from
the disk? I am trying to avoid reinstalling everything so I don't have to
re-customize the tool bars in all my other programs. Thank you for any help
you can give me, and your patience if I've missed something obvious.


I'm having the same probem. Perhaps Microsoft wants us to throw away our 2003
version and buy the 2007 version because I've aleady wasted half of my
flipping day trying to figure it out.
I have a new computer and simply want to install my 2003 Office version
which I paid hundreds dollars for just two years ago. Perhaps a simple
installation prompt like:
Would you like to install a previous version of Office? If I click Yes, then
the Trial ware is deleted and a utility is launched to help install the 2003

Make it happen Microsoft without dicking your customers around to buy yet
another version of your software that looks a little prettier.

I'm taking this new computer back because Vista is also lame and I need to
get on with my life without a spending yet another boat-load of money on
software I don't need.

Have a nice day.


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