Using Outlook 2003 with Comcast


Brian Harter

I can no longer use Outlook for email with Comcast and have tried to add and
change the email accounts a number of times.

I switched to Comcast last Fall and somehow successfully configured to use
Outlook 2003 as my email since that time - until last Thursday.

I was in Comcast and decided to try to add my wife as a secondary email
account from another laptop. As soon as I did that my desktop began
displaying the "Enter Network Password" Windows box almost every minute
whether I had Outlook open or not. Network Password box had
as the server (greyed out), My user name and the masked Password. Selecting
OK made no difference as the password entry continued and selecting Cancel
would give me a Task Receive Error notification. I eliminated the secondary
account in Comcast to focus on what was going on with mine. At that point I
was able to send and receive in Outlook but the Network Password request
continued and the Send/Receive process continued going from 25 to 50 to 33%
without completion during the session.

Comcast help was no real help (as usual). It went through the email account
setup process in Outlook which I repeated a few times both adding/changing
and deleting setting up new but the Network Password box display continued.
I found the only way to resolve it was to delete any email account in Outlook
and that is my current state. Comcast would not respond to my requests for
help since I want to use something other than their mail or Outlook Express. will continue to be my email address but currently Comcast mail
is all that I can use without the above. Since Outlook is where my personal
folders are and contact list - I successfully transfered that to Comcast so I
could at least communicate with people - I would like to get back to Outlook
where I was!!!!!

Neil M


I am getting ready to do the same. I have been using outlook express, but am
getting ready to switch to Outlook. (see post dated 5/7/07 - 544 error by
me). I am sorry that I can't be of help now, but if I encounter the same
problem and get any kind of answer, I will share it with you.

Neil M

Brian Tillman

Brian Harter said:
I can no longer use Outlook for email with Comcast and have tried to
add and change the email accounts a number of times.

I switched to Comcast last Fall and somehow successfully configured
to use Outlook 2003 as my email since that time - until last Thursday.

Are you using the correct ports? I beloeve Comcast is changing them. See
their Help on configuring Outlook Express. The settings for Outlook should
be the same.

Neil M

It seems to be working with setting my "outgoing mail server requires
authentication" and checking the "same as...." button. For now.

Interesting though, before changing anything, I sent myself a test email and
it came right through, tried to send one to someone else and got 544 error.

Unfortunately, my switch to Comcast was not voluntary, they bought out Time
Warner here.


Brian Tillman

Neil M said:
It seems to be working with setting my "outgoing mail server requires
authentication" and checking the "same as...." button. For now.

Interesting though, before changing anything, I sent myself a test
email and it came right through, tried to send one to someone else
and got 544 error.

The Test button doesn't really test the entire path. Snce you were sending
from a Comcast address to a Comcast address, there was no relaying and no
need to authenticate.

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