I'm trying to connect to an Analysis Services Server using
Asp.Net/Office Web Controls using the PivotTableClass, but the web
form display the control with no active buttons.. Should I set the
pivotcontrol1.CommandText property to somthing?
Here is my code:
Public pivotcontrol1 As New OWC11.PivotTableClass
Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Put user code to initialize the page here
'Connect to the data source
pivotcontrol1.ConnectionString = "Provider=MSOLAP.2;Data
Source=S1SPRODUCTION;Initial Catalog=Foodmart 2000;"
pivotcontrol1.DataMember = "Sales"
'Dim fsets As PivotFieldSets
'Dim c As Object
'Dim newtotal As PivotTotal
Dim oView As OWC11.PivotView = pivotcontrol1.ActiveView
End Sub
I'm trying to connect to an Analysis Services Server using
Asp.Net/Office Web Controls using the PivotTableClass, but the web
form display the control with no active buttons.. Should I set the
pivotcontrol1.CommandText property to somthing?
Here is my code:
Public pivotcontrol1 As New OWC11.PivotTableClass
Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Put user code to initialize the page here
'Connect to the data source
pivotcontrol1.ConnectionString = "Provider=MSOLAP.2;Data
Source=S1SPRODUCTION;Initial Catalog=Foodmart 2000;"
pivotcontrol1.DataMember = "Sales"
'Dim fsets As PivotFieldSets
'Dim c As Object
'Dim newtotal As PivotTotal
Dim oView As OWC11.PivotView = pivotcontrol1.ActiveView
End Sub