Using Pivot Table to analyze multiple answers



Hi Excel Experts,

I have data which are exported from Sharepoint List to excel in the
following format:

Adam Sandler Marlboro;#Dunhill;#Salem
Tim Duncan Marlboro
Sally Sue Salem
Briana Matt Marlboro;#Dunhill

How can I use pivot table to display the following the following

Marlboro Dunhill Salem
Adam Sandler 1 1 1 3
Tim Duncan 1 1
Sally Sue 1 1
Briana Matt 1 1 2
TOTAL 3 2 2 7

Any help or suggestions would be deeply appreciated. Thanks.

Debra Dalgleish

A pivot table won't help analyze the data in that format. If the brands
don't exceed the number of columns, you could create a table to count
the brands.

Assuming your data are in columns A and B, enter the brand names,
starting in C1, and going across row 1.
In cell C2, enter the formula:
Copy the formula across to the last column of data, and down to the last
row of data
For the totals, use the SUM function.

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