I am using a pivot table to fill a timesheet in the same workbook.
The data consists of date, billable (y or n), time in, time out, month, day,
year, total hours.
The timesheet has a cell each for the month and year. The dates are in a
grid configuration. I have used getpivotdata to extract the number of
billable and nonbillable hours in the spreadsheet but Excel seems very
confused about the date issue.
This formula works fine =+GETPIVOTDATA("time",'Pivot
Table'!$A$3,"Date",DATE(2009,1,5),"Bill?","N") but I would like to not have
to enter the date in the formula. I have tried using "month", month(a8) {the
month cell}, day(c15) {the day cell} and using either of these causes an
error message. Somehow even though the pivot table data includes each of the
components of a date, it doesn't match to the cell reference. I have tried
using "month", month(1) and I still get a =REF error message.
I am confused.
I am using a pivot table to fill a timesheet in the same workbook.
The data consists of date, billable (y or n), time in, time out, month, day,
year, total hours.
The timesheet has a cell each for the month and year. The dates are in a
grid configuration. I have used getpivotdata to extract the number of
billable and nonbillable hours in the spreadsheet but Excel seems very
confused about the date issue.
This formula works fine =+GETPIVOTDATA("time",'Pivot
Table'!$A$3,"Date",DATE(2009,1,5),"Bill?","N") but I would like to not have
to enter the date in the formula. I have tried using "month", month(a8) {the
month cell}, day(c15) {the day cell} and using either of these causes an
error message. Somehow even though the pivot table data includes each of the
components of a date, it doesn't match to the cell reference. I have tried
using "month", month(1) and I still get a =REF error message.
I am confused.