using PMS colors in Word



Is it possible to use PMS colors in any versions of
Microsoft Word for lines, fills, and fonts? Or much these
items be imported from another program? Has Microsoft
enlarged the RGB font color palette from 18 colors?

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Lisa,

MS Word versions 2000 or newer provide for
16 million color choices in both graphics and fonts.

There is no direct support in Word for Pantone
colors (i.e. no 'picker') but you may be able
to use the Pantoe Office Color Assistant
to help match colors

==========Is it possible to use PMS colors in any versions of
Microsoft Word for lines, fills, and fonts? Or much these
items be imported from another program? Has Microsoft
enlarged the RGB font color palette from 18 colors? <<
Hope that helps,

Bob Buckland ?:) MS Office Products family MVP
*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

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