Using pocket pc as a digitiser


Julian Haeger

Hi, im new to onenote, and Ive been reading about why full support for ink
(as in recognition) is only available on xp tablet becuase of the sampling
rate of external digitisers. My question is whether the digitiser of a pocket
pc is up to spec for the task, and if so, if theres anyway they could be used
as an input device for onenote for fully fledged ink? I know there is
software out there which lets you use your pocket pc as a graphics tablet
(though when I tried to install some it all screwed up), but onenote will
still see this as a graphics tablet presumably, and hance still insufficient
for ink. If they do sample up to speed is it posible that some support for
pocket pcs as realtime input devices for ink could be considerd for a future

Thanks in advance,

Chris H.

Julian, most of the handheld devices are touchscreen, which is basically the
same as using a mouse. The experience is no where near the same, compared
to the Tablet PC digitizers. Besides, at this point, OneNote is for laptop,
desktop or Tablet PC running on the regular Windows XP operating system.

PPC's generally run Windows CE, which is a different format, and the Tablet
PC Edition "superset" - doing all the magic with the Tablet digitizers - is
not available except on OEM Tablets or via an MSDN subscription for
developmental usage only. If it did happen to install, it won't install the
full functionality because the hardware requirements aren't present.
In memory of a true friend, Windows MVP Alex Nichol

Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Julian Haeger

Thanks, that pretty much answers my question. Just to clarify though, I wasnt
suggesting onenote be ported to the pocket pc, but rather if it was possible
a pocket pc connected either wirelesly or via cable to a computer could be
used as an input device for onenote running on that computer, and whether
that would provide the hardware for ink on a desktop pc. It sounds like thats
not a possibility though from what your saying.

Thanks for taking the time to answer.


Chris H.

No, I don't believe it would work that way, Julian. Sounds intriguing,
however. The PPC devices don't run regular Windows, but usually the CE
version and I'm not positive they can run something like Remote Desktop
(like Windows XP machines can). Tablet PCs can run Remote sessions with
other XP machines, but don't have full Ink controls yet - even to another
In memory of a true friend, Windows MVP Alex Nichol

Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

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