Using queries from multiple tables to create a report



Help! I'm am trying to create a report based on multiple tables throught the
use of queries that have a parameter to give me job specific jobcost
information [Enter Job Number]. I have 1 main table Job# and 6 other tables
and subtables are linked to that main table (six total relationships to Job#
table). When all the tables are in one query my info is multiplied to give
me a cluster**** of way too much information. I can query them individually
with my main table and one subtable to get my desired result, but when I base
my report on the queries my data is multiplied again. Is what I'm trying to
do even possible? Is there a different way?

Jeff Boyce

"How" really depends on "what", and I'm not real clear yet what data and
data structure you are using.

One possibility is that you could create a sub-report for each related table
and embed those sub-reports in one main report.

Another possibility is that you could use a query to join them all together,
then use Sorting/Grouping in the report definition to hide duplicate values.

Good luck!


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP


Jeff said:
"How" really depends on "what", and I'm not real clear yet what data and
data structure you are using.

One possibility is that you could create a sub-report for each related table
and embed those sub-reports in one main report.

Another possibility is that you could use a query to join them all together,
then use Sorting/Grouping in the report definition to hide duplicate values.

Good luck!


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP
Help! I'm am trying to create a report based on multiple tables throught
[quoted text clipped - 12 lines]
do even possible? Is there a different way?

My data structure is as follows: I have a Job# (key) and description in the
main table and from there it spider webs into Labor cost, material cost, cash
expenses, credit card expenses, etc that are all related by job #. I believe
the problem lies in the fact that in my query I have Labor and material cost
(separate queries) broken down into groups (i.e. electrical, mechanical,
travel etc.) on which the costs are summed. My separate queries give me my
desired result, but when they go into a report my data multiplies (i.e.
electrical hours show each summation from material cost for my material types
of electrical, pneumatic, mechanical, etc.) I want my report to be triggered
by a parameter (Job#) and I am not familiar with all the details of the
sorting/grouping feature. I tried the subreport before, but it produced a
number of copies in the main report.

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