Using queries in forms Access 97


David Robinson

Is there an easy way i can use a save select query to
slecet a record to update through a form? I can get the
query to open but it doesn't return the record to the form
for editing. Please help!

Van T. Dinh

Not sure if I understand your question fully but the normal way is to use
the Query as the RecordSource of the Form. If the query is updateable and
the AllowEdits Property of the Form is true, then you should be able to edit
the data. Note that when you edit data on a bound Form, you edit only one
Record, namely the Current Record, at any given time.

David Robison

That works fine when i invoke the form from the database
window, but if i use a switchboard form to open the form
it doesn't request the criteria for the query. I assume
i'm doing something wrong here :( any ideas?

Van T. Dinh

I don't use the Switchboard so I don't know but it is possible that the
Parameter Dialog appears *behind* the Switchboard and you can't see it.

Try using the Switchboard to open the Form and then minimise the Switboard
and see if you see the Parameter Dialog.

David Robinson

I 've tried this and it doesn't solve the problem, when i
open the form it places the cursor right into the first
control on the form.....

Van T. Dinh

If it works when you open the Form through the Database Containers window,
then the Form is OK. The problem is in the Switchboard command. I vaguely
remember that there are 2 different commands to open a Form: In Edit Mode
and In data Entry Mode. Make sure you use the Edit Mode since Data Entry
mode put you on a new Record and therefore no needs to filter the Form's

If that doesn't work, suggest you post a new thread about the Switchboard
since I haven't used the Switchboard for 4-5 years.

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