Using range with INDIRECT and ROW()


Paranormal Gravy

I am setting up a spreadsheet that with add columns in a row, but need
it to be applicable to various rows, I hacked this formula together so
Anyone have a suggestion how to improve this formula?

Paranormal Gravy

This will do the same thing:


That worked perfectly, thank you so much.
And all I want to do is create a formula that can be "copied and
pasted" into multiple cells in a column to add up the previous
columns, without having to change the formula for each row.

T. Valko

You're welcome. Thanks for the feedback!

Microsoft Excel MVP

This will do the same thing:


That worked perfectly, thank you so much.
And all I want to do is create a formula that can be "copied and
pasted" into multiple cells in a column to add up the previous
columns, without having to change the formula for each row.

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