Using Regular Expressions in VBA


Evan Marks

Is there a way to use regular expressions in Excel VBA code? I notice that
there is a "Microsoft VBscript Regular Expressions (v1.0 & 5.5) on the Tools
References window of the Visual Basic Editor.



Bill James

Yes. You set a reference to the 5.5 library. Here is an
example of its use (examples cleans currency expressions):

Dim regex As RegExp

Set regex = New RegExp
regex.Global = True
regex.Pattern = "[^$.,0-9]" ' Strip non currency chars
S = regex.Replace(S, "")
regex.Pattern = "[^0-9]" ' Strip non-digits
S = regex.Replace(S, "")

Evan Marks

Is there somewhere to get a description of ALL of this "module's"
functionality? The world of regular expressions is pretty vast. Is there
some online reference, or something squirreled away on the Office
installation CD's?


Bill James said:
Yes. You set a reference to the 5.5 library. Here is an
example of its use (examples cleans currency expressions):

Dim regex As RegExp

Set regex = New RegExp
regex.Global = True
regex.Pattern = "[^$.,0-9]" ' Strip non currency chars
S = regex.Replace(S, "")
regex.Pattern = "[^0-9]" ' Strip non-digits
S = regex.Replace(S, "")
-----Original Message-----
Is there a way to use regular expressions in Excel VBA code? I notice that
there is a "Microsoft VBscript Regular Expressions (v1.0 & 5.5) on the Tools




Bill James

Look in VBSCRIP5.CHM and search for "Regular Expressions".
-----Original Message-----
Is there somewhere to get a description of ALL of this "module's"
functionality? The world of regular expressions is pretty vast. Is there
some online reference, or something squirreled away on the Office
installation CD's?


Yes. You set a reference to the 5.5 library. Here is an
example of its use (examples cleans currency expressions):

Dim regex As RegExp

Set regex = New RegExp
regex.Global = True
regex.Pattern = "[^$.,0-9]" ' Strip non currency chars
S = regex.Replace(S, "")
regex.Pattern = "[^0-9]" ' Strip non-digits
S = regex.Replace(S, "")
-----Original Message-----
Is there a way to use regular expressions in Excel VBA code? I notice that
there is a "Microsoft VBscript Regular Expressions
& 5.5) on the Tools
References window of the Visual Basic Editor.





Tushar Mehta

In addition to the suggestions already posted, here's what I use:
Regular Expression (RegExp) Object


Introduction to Regular Expressions


Tushar Mehta, MS MVP -- Excel
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
Custom MS Office productivity solutions

Look in VBSCRIP5.CHM and search for "Regular Expressions".
-----Original Message-----
Is there somewhere to get a description of ALL of this "module's"
functionality? The world of regular expressions is pretty vast. Is there
some online reference, or something squirreled away on the Office
installation CD's?


Yes. You set a reference to the 5.5 library. Here is an
example of its use (examples cleans currency expressions):

Dim regex As RegExp

Set regex = New RegExp
regex.Global = True
regex.Pattern = "[^$.,0-9]" ' Strip non currency chars
S = regex.Replace(S, "")
regex.Pattern = "[^0-9]" ' Strip non-digits
S = regex.Replace(S, "")

-----Original Message-----
Is there a way to use regular expressions in Excel VBA
code? I notice that
there is a "Microsoft VBscript Regular Expressions (v1.0
& 5.5) on the Tools
References window of the Visual Basic Editor.





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